Canoeing Results Archive Society
Data Protection

1. Data Protection Policy
Data submitted by you will be electronically stored by the Canoeing Results Archive Society [CRAS] for the purposes of events run by CRAS and to inform you of the activities of the society. Data held by the society will not be shared with third parties other than as identified in this policy without your permission.
Where we use your personal data for administering events this includes, but is not limited to, sending you booking confirmation and joining instructions. Event relevant information may also be published on a website or other media. By entering an event you agree that we may also publish your personal information as part of the results of the event, and may pass limited information to British Canoeing. This could be for the purpose of insurance, licences or for publishing results. This may be for the event you are entering or be combined with, or compared to, other events.
Where you provide personal data to CRAS this will be held for a period not exceeding three years.

2. Your rights under data protection law
• Access to your information- you have the right to request a copy of the personal information that we hold about you.
• Correcting your information- we want to make sure that your personal information is accurate, complete and up to date. Therefore you may ask us to correct any personal information about you that you believe does not meet these standards.
• Deletion of your information- you have the right to ask us to delete personal information about you where:
I. you think that we no longer need to hold the information for the purposes for which it was originally obtained
II. you have a genuine objection to our use of your personal information – see Objecting to how we may use your information below
III. our use of your personal information is contrary to law or our other legal obligations.
• Objecting to how we may use your information- You have the right at any time to tell us to stop using your personal information.
• Restricting how we may use your information- in some cases, you may ask us to restrict how we use your personal information. This right might apply, for example, where we are checking the accuracy of personal information that we hold about you or we are assessing the objection you have made to our use of your information. This right might also apply if we no longer have a basis for using your personal information but you don’t want us to delete the data. Where this right is realistically applied will mean that we may only use the relevant personal information with your consent, for legal claims or where there are other public interest grounds to do so.
Please contact us if you wish to exercise any of these rights.

3. Complaints
We aim to directly resolve all complaints about how we handle personal information. If you have any questions or wish to complaint about how we have handled your personal information, you can contact us here
However, you also have the right to lodge a complaint about data protection matters with the Information Commissioner’s Office. Visit their website for more information at-